Vertebral Fractures
The vertebral fracture could be due to different mechanism, could be primary or secondary to another disease. The most known is the traumatic fracture due to a high velocity accident. A vertebral fracture after a little trauma or spontaneous could be secondary to osteoporosis, tumor, or vascular pathologies.
Depending on the gravity of the fracture, it could propose a conservative or a surgical treatment. The choice of the treatment is principally based on the intensity of the pain and the radiological assessment.

Vertebral fracture
A conservative treatment is preferred for stable fractures. It consists in the immobilization by orthoses and in antalgic therapies. The duration of the treatment is between 6 and 12 weeks long.
Surgical treatment allows to stabilize immediately the vertebral column. After the surgery, no immobilization is necessary. This is the treatment of choice in case of instability or in case of back pain. Different type of surgical treatment could be proposed. The most classical is the trans-pedicular screw placement which consists in the realization of a bridge between vertebrae upper and lower than the fractured vertebra. The alternative of this standard treatment is the vertebroplasty which consists in the injection of cement inside of the fractured vertebra. In case of secondary fracture, the treatment of the first pathology is necessary.

Pedicular scew stabilisation

Dr Robert realizes this surgery under microscopic view and trans-tubular approach to limit the muscular trauma. His surgical experience for lumbar herniated disk is more than 600 cases.
After a surgery of vertebral fracture, the patient follows one cycle of physiotherapy, and the convalescent period is 3 month long. Dr Robert proposes a follow-up of 12 months after such treatment.