Dr Robert has always given and already gives importance to his scientific activity. He successively received the title MD of thesis at University of Lausanne and after, the title of Privat Docent at the University of the Southern Switzerland (USI). The total number of his publications is more than 70 articles in international peer-reviewed journals (Pubmed). Most of these are about oncologic and neuro-vascular pathologies. His competences in these two domain-of-interests are recognized for many years and he has an important activity as reviewer for a lot of international journals.
On the other hand, Dr Robert was also concerned by the training of future neurosurgeons and published not more than five textbooks about Neurosurgery for educational purposes.
Textbook of Neurosurgery
- KB Neurochirurgie
ISBN 9782818303689
213 pages - Guide Pratique de l’Interne en Neurochirurgie
ISBN 9782818305713
397 pages - Guide de Survie de l’Externe en Neurochirurgie
ISBN 9782818308271
224 pages - KB Neurochirurgie, deuxième edition
ISBN 9782818303689
226 pages - Les Nerfs crâniens: diagnostic, Clinique et pathologies
ISBN 9 9782818309773
127 pages
Scientific articles
- Angiographic Factors Influencing the Success of Endovascular Treatment of Arteriovenous Malformations involving the Corpus Callosum
Journal of Neurointerventional Surgery. 2015
Robert T, Blanc R, Ciccio G, Gilboa B, Fahed R, Redjem H, Pistocchi S, Bartolini B, Piotin M.
- Endovascular treatment of cribriform plate dural arteriovenous fistulas: technical difficulties and complications avoidance
Journal of Neurointerventional Surgery. 2016
Robert T, Blanc R, Smajda S, Ciccio G, Redjem H, Bartolini B, Fahed R, Piotin M.
- Anatomic and angiographic analyses of ophthalmic artery collaterals in Moyamoya disease
American Journal of Neuroradiology. 2018
Robert T, Cicciò G, Sylvestre P, Chiappini A, Weil AG, Smajda S, Chaalala C, Blanc R, Reinert M, Piotin M, Bojanowski MW.
- Ocular Signs Caused by Dural Arteriovenous Fistula without Involvement of the Cavernous Sinus: A Case Series with Review of the Literature
American Journal of Neuroradiology. 2016
Robert T, Botta D, Blanc R, Ciccio G, Gilboa B, Fahed R, Redjem H, Pistocchi S, Bartolini B, Piotin M.
- Angiographic Analysis of Natural Anastomoses between the Posterior and Anterior Cerebral Arteries in Moyamoya Disease and Syndrome
American Journal of Neuroradiology. 2019
Bonasia S, Ciccio G, Smajda S, Weil AG,Chaalala C, Blanc R, Reinert M, Piotin M, Bojanowski M, Robert T.
- Anatomic and Embryologic Analysis of the Dural Branches of the Ophthalmic Artery
American Journal of Neuroradiology. 2020
asia S, Ciccio G, Smajda S, Robert T.
- Middle Meningeal Artery: Anatomy and Variations
American Journal of Neuroradiology. 2020
Bonasia S, Ciccio G, Smajda S, Robert T.
- Stapedial Artery: From Embryology to Different Possible Adult Configurations
American Journal of Neuroradiology. 2020
Bonasia S, Ciccio G, Smajda S, Robert T.
- Tamoxifen treatment and occurrence of dural arteriovenous fistulas: An observational study on a series of patients presenting tamoxifen history and diagnosis of DAVF
Journal of Neurological Sciences. 2018
Robert T, Blanc R, Valsecchi D, Botta D, Ciccio G, Smajda S, Redjem H, Chaalala C, Piotin M.
- A proposed grading system to evaluate the endovascular curability of deep-seated arteriovenous malformations
Journal of Neurological Sciences. 2017
Robert T, Blanc R, Sylvestre P, Ciccio G, Smajda S, Botta D, Redjem H, Fahed R, Piotin M.
- Anatomic and angiographic findings of cerebellar arteriovenous malformations: Report of a single center experience
Journal of Neurological Sciences. 2015
Robert T, Blanc R, Ciccio G, Redjem H, Fahed R, Smajda S, Piotin M.
- Supracerebellar transtentorial removal of a large tentorial tumor
Neurosurgical Focus. 2016
Robert T, Weil AG, Obaid S, Al-Jehani H, Bojanowski MW.
- Embryology and variations of the recurrent artery of Heubner
Neuroradiology. 2020
Bonasia S, Bojanowski M, Robert T.
- Embryology and anatomical variations of the ophthalmic artery
Neuroradiology. 2020
Bonasia S, Bojanowski M, Robert T.
- Rare neurovascular conflict between oculomotor nerve and posterior communicating artery
Neuroradiology. 2020
Giannantoni N, Bonasia S, Bertulli L, Staedler C, Robert T.
- Complete Washout of a Colloid Cyst on MRI after Partial Removal by Endoscopic Approach
Neuroradiology. 2011
Robert T, Maeder P, Levivier M, Pollo C.
- May the inferior petrosal sinus recanalization during endovascular treatment for carotid-cavernous fistulas increase the risk of sixth nerve palsy?
World Neurosurgery. 2018
Robert T, Valsecchi D, Sylvestre P, Blanc R, Smajda S, Ciccio G, Redjem H, Piotin M.
- Supra-orbital approach through eyebrow skin incision for aneurysm Clipping: How I Do It
Acta Neurochirurgica. 2018
Chiappini A, Marchi F, Reinert M, Robert T.
- Third nerve decompression by anterior petroclinoid ligament opening after clipping of posterior communicating artery aneurysm-How I do it
Acta Neurochirurgica. 2018
Bertulli L, Reinert M, Robert T.
- Supraorbital keyhole approach for suprasellar arachnoid cyst: how I do it
Acta Neurochirurgica. 2019
Venier A, Reinert M, Robert T.
- Sub-telo-velo-tonsillar approach to resect dorsal pons cavernoma through fourth ventricular floor opening: how I do it
Acta Neurochirurgica. 2020
Bonasia S, De Trizio I, Valci L, Robert T.
- Retractorless combined pterional and interhemispheric approach to achieve proximal control in pericallosal artery aneurysm: how I do it
Acta Neurochirurgica. 2021
Bonasia S, Robert T.
- Thrombosis of venous outflows of the cavernous sinus: possible etiology of the cortical venous reflux in case of indirect carotid-cavernous fistulas
Acta Neurochirurgica. 2017
Robert T, Sylvestre P, Blanc R, Ciccio G, Botta D, Redjem H, Smajda S, Piotin M.
- Management of multiple cerebral arteriovenous malformations in a non-pediatric population
Acta Neurochirurgica. 2016
Robert T, Blanc R, Ciccio G, Smajda S, Redjem H, Fahed R, Piotin M.
- Endovascular treatment of posterior fossa arteriovenous malformations
Journal of Clinical Neurosciences. 2016
Robert T, Blanc R, Ciccio G, Smajda S, Redjem H, Fahed R, Piotin M.
- Clinical and radiological outcomes in relation with the anatomical orientation of clipped middle cerebral artery bifurcation aneurysms
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery. 2021
Marchi F, Bonasia S, Chiappini A, Reinert M, Robert T.
- Trigeminal neuralgia due to arterialization of the superior petrosal vein in the context of dural or cerebral arteriovenous shunt
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery. 2015
Robert T, Blanc R, Ciccio G, Smajda S, Redjem H, Fahed R, Piotin M.
- Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome identification of prognostic factors
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery. 2013
Robert T, Kawkabani Marchini A, Oumarou G, Uské A.
- Cervical Intramedullary Metastasis from Cerebral Glioblastoma Multiforme
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery. 2014
Robert T, Martinez-Manas R, San Millan ruiz D, Morard M.
- Call-Fleming Syndrome associated with Convexity Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery. 2013
Robert T, Oumarou G, Villard J, Marcini AK, Daniel RT, Levivier M, Uské A.
- Embryological development of the human cranio–facial arterial system: a pictorial review
Surgical and radiological anatomy. 2021
Bertulli L, Robert T.
- Bilateral persistent stapedial arteries associated with unilateral moyamoya disease: a particular anatomic variant
Surgical and Radiological Anatomy. 2020
Chiappini A, Ciccio G, Smajda S, Robert T.
- Ruptured MCA Aneurysm Mimicking MCA Territory Ischemic Stroke: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
Journal of Neurological Surgery A. 2021
De Trizio I, Reinert M, Robert T.
- Intracerebellar Hemorrhage Caused by Developmental Venous Anomaly, from Diagnosis to Treatment
Journal of Neurological Surgery A. 2013
Robert T, Villard J, Oumarou G, Daniel RT, Pollo C, Uské A.
- Predictors of In-Hospital Death After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Analysis of a Nationwide Database (Swiss SOS)
Stroke. 2018
Swiss SOS study group.
- Incidence and Outcome of Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Stroke. 2021
Swiss SOS study group.
- Home-Time as a Surrogate Marker for Functional Outcome After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Stroke. 2018
Swiss SOS study group.
- Visual Field Defect Before and After Endovascular Treatment of Occipital Arteriovenous Malformations
Neurosurgery. 2020
Smajda S, Ciccio G, Fahed R, Robert T, Botta D, Redjem H, Desilles JP, Mazighi M, Zuber K, Escalard S, Baharvahdat H, Blanc R, Chauvet D, Philibert M, Chokron S, Piotin M.
- Development of a Complication- and Treatment-Aware Prediction Model for Favorable Functional Outcome in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Based on Machine Learning
Neurosurgery. 2021
Swiss SOS study group.
- Measuring the impact of delayed cerebral ischemia on neuropsychological outcome after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage
Neurosurgery. 2019
Swiss SOS study group.
- The Barrow Neurological Institute Grading Scale as a Predictor for Delayed Cerebral Ischemia and Outcome After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Data from a Nationwide Patient Registry (Swiss SOS)
Neurosurgery. 2018
Swiss SOS study group.
- Impact of Aneurysm Multiplicity on Treatment and Outcome After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Neurosurgery. 2019
Swiss SOS study group.
- Double stent assisted coiling of intracranial bifurcation aneurysms in Y and X configurations with the Neuroform ATLAS stent: immediate and midterm angiographic and clinical follow-up
Journal of Neurointerventional Surgery. 2019
Ciccio G, Robert T, Smajda S, Fahed R, Desilles JP, Redjem H, Escalard S, Mazighi M, Blanc R, Piotin M.
- Multimodal angiographic assessment of cerebral arteriovenous malformations: a pilot study
Journal of Neurointerventional Surgery. 2015
Blanc R, Seiler A, Robert T, Baharvahdat H, Lafarge M, Savatovsky J, Hodel J, Ciccio G, Chauvet D, Pistocchi S, Bartolini B, Redjem H, Piotin M.
- The Capillary Index Score before thrombectomy: an angiographic correlate of favorable outcome
Journal of Neurointerventional Surgery. 2015
Labeyrie PE, Redjem H, Blanc R, Labeyrie MA, Bartolini B, Ciccio G, Robert T, Gilboa B, Fahed R, Abrivard M, Piotin M.
- Between-center and between-country differences in outcome after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage in the Subarachnoid Hemorrhage International Trialists (SAHIT) repository
Journal of Neurosurgery. 2019
The SAHIT collaborators group.
- Patterns of care for ruptured aneurysms of the middle cerebral artery: analysis of a Swiss national database (Swiss SOS)
Journal of Neurosurgery. 2019
Swiss SOS study group.
- Presence of direct vertebrobasilar perforator feeders in posterior fossa arteriovenous malformations and association with poor outcomes after endovascular treatment
Journal of Neurosurgery. 2019
Lefevre E, Robert T, Escalard S, Fahed R, Smajda S, Ciccio G, Desilles JP, Mazighi M, Blanc R, Piotin M.
- Endovascular Treatment for Low-Grade (Spetzler-Martin I–II) Brain Arteriovenous Malformations
American Journal of Neuroradiology. 2019
Baharvahdat H, Blanc R, Fahed R, Smajda S, Ciccio G, Desilles JP, Redjem H, Escalard S, Mazighi M, Chauvet D, Robert T, Sasannejad P, Piotin M.
- Endovascular Management of Acute Ischemic Strokes with Tandem Occlusions
Cerebrovascular Disease. 2016
Fahed R, Redjem H, Blanc R, Labreuche J, Robert T, Ciccio G, Smadja D, Smajda S, Piotin M.
- Factors associated with clinical and radiological status on admission in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage
Neurosurgical Review. 2018
Swiss SOS study group.
- Using the trans-lamina terminalis route via a pterional approach to resect a retrochiasmatic craniopharyngioma involving the third ventricle
Neurosurgical Focus. 2016
Weil AG, Robert T, Alsaiari S, Obaid S, Bojanowski MW.
- Cervical Radiculopathy Caused by a Vertebral Artery Loop: Is a Focused Fluoroscopic-Guided Cervical Epidural Steroid Injection a Possible Treatment Modality?
Pain Practice. 2020
Croci DM, Koetsier E, Maino P, Reinert M, Robert T, Scarone P.
- Use of Intraoperative Computed Tomography Improves Outcome of Minimally Invasive Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion: A Single-Center Retrospective Cohort Study
World Neurosurgery. 2021
Venier A, Croci D, Robert T, Distefano D, Presilla S, Scarone P.
- Predictors of occurrence and anatomic distributuion of multiple aneurysms in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage
World Neurosurgery. 2018
Swiss SOS study group.
- Ruptured posterior circulation aneurysms: epidemiology, patterns of care, and outcomes from the Swiss SOS national registry
Acta Neurochirurgica. 2019
Swiss SOS study group.
- Ruptured PICA aneurysms: presentation and treatment outcomes compared to other posterior circulation aneurysms. A Swiss SOS study
Acta Neurochirurgica. 2019
Swiss SOS study group.
- Computed tomography angiography spot sign predicts intraprocedural aneurysm rupture in subarachnoid hemorrhage
Acta Neurochirurgica. 2017
Swiss SOS study group.
- Call for uniform neuropsychological assessment after aneurismal subarachnoid hemorrhage: Swiss recommendations
Acta Neurochirurgica. 2015
Swiss SOS study group.
- Prognostic factors and role of adjuvant therapies in the management of parasagittal meningiomas
Journal of Radiosurgery SBRT. 2012
Villard J, Robert T, Pica A, Mirimanoff RO, Levivier M, Bloch J.