
Dr Robert has always given and already gives importance to his scientific activity. He successively received the title MD of thesis at University of Lausanne and after, the title of Privat Docent at the University of the Southern Switzerland (USI). The total number of his publications is more than 70 articles in international peer-reviewed journals (Pubmed). Most of these are about oncologic and neuro-vascular pathologies. His competences in these two domain-of-interests are recognized for many years and he has an important activity as reviewer for a lot of international journals.

On the other hand, Dr Robert was also concerned by the training of future neurosurgeons and published not more than five textbooks about Neurosurgery for educational purposes.

Textbook of Neurosurgery


  • KB Neurochirurgie
    ISBN 9782818303689
    213 pages
  • Guide Pratique de l’Interne en Neurochirurgie
    ISBN 9782818305713
    397 pages
  • Guide de Survie de l’Externe en Neurochirurgie
    ISBN 9782818308271
    224 pages
  • KB Neurochirurgie, deuxième edition
    ISBN 9782818303689
    226 pages
  • Les Nerfs crâniens: diagnostic, Clinique et pathologies
    ISBN 9 9782818309773
    127 pages

Scientific articles