Pituitary adenoma
A pituitary adenoma is a benign tumor of the pituitary gland. This is a little gland localized at the inferior surface of the brain which could be seen as the central processor unit of our hormonal production.
This type of tumor is very frequent but fortunately, it is usually asymptomatic. In such situation of occasional discovery of pituitary tumor, only a conservative management with radiological follow-up is indicated.
If the tumor is bigger, it could give two problems. The first one is a hormonal imbalance which is due to an excessive production of hormones by the tumor itself. The second problem that could be seen is a partial loss of visual field due to the compression of the optic nerves by the tumor itself.

Pituitary tumor
For each new diagnosis or new clinical sign related to a pituitary tumor, the case must be discussed in a multi-disciplinary staff including a neurosurgeon and an endocrinologist.
According to the type of pituitary adenoma and to the clinical signs, the treatment could be pharmacological or surgical. Dr Robert is one of experts for pituitary tumors surgery, his experience in Montreal gave him an important experience in such surgeries.
Surgery of pituitary tumors is realized with a little endoscope of 5mm introduced in the nose. After drilling of the bone of the skull base, the pituitary tumor is resected. Dr Robert has an important experience in this surgery with more than 100 cases.

Trans-nasal approach
After a surgery for pituitary tumor, a yearly radiological follow-up is usually necessary.